With full respect to Vince Shuley, I disagree with many of his statements in the Jan. 31 Pique (“”). To begin, existing user groups in Squamish are facing an ongoing safety crisis from these rogue (illegal) trail developers.
On our world-class walking loop trail in the Smoke Bluffs Park, many long-term residents object and are frightened by the new trails that are being built by these “trail developers.” Consisting of small “hits” that all have access and egress from this existing walking trail, this group of anarchist bike riders feel it is their right to build these hazards to the public.
Come this spring, we will have a crisis. International tourists, dog walkers, local residents, trail runners wearing earbuds, parents and babies, and our prized over-70s hiking group are under constant threat by this small group. Always covered by full face shields so they cannot be identified, this is a group that threatens many in Squamish. They also build their “trails” on dark and stormy nights, to avoid being observed.
Many complaints and letters have been filed to the District of Squamish, the 小蓝视频 newspaper, and the RCMP. The response to date has been to call for cooperation between these user groups. This has been a complete failure to date.
It is time now to completely ban biking in the Smoke Bluffs Park, and for this ban to be enforced. The downside to this explosion in trail development is that many walking and hiking trails are now too dangerous for the general public to be on, with no warnings to the public.