Seniors’ shopping hour
I never thought I'd see the day
when I'd be up at break of day.
Wearing a mask, biding my time
to purchase my groceries, standing in line.
When items I sought were rarely there,
I chose something else, trying not to despair.
My basket half empty, but happy to leave.
when a dilemma occurs, for what do I see,
A queue that's so long, waiting to pay.
My question now, should I go, should I stay?
The groceries are needed, so I stay in the line
hoping to be home by half past nine.
Slowly moving forward to each marked spot.
Happy to have the few items I got.
Upon reaching the checkout all nice and clean,
I bag my own groceries, and now I am keen
to get to my car and head for my home.
Feeling so odd, but not really alone.
There are people around, but we only smile.
The two-metre distance feels like a mile.
When reaching home, where groceries are washed,
and packages wiped with a sanitizing cloth,
are put in their places and I take a chair,
to ponder the “new normal” that doesn’t seem fair.
But keeping our distance in these worrisome days
Hopefully will return us to “old normal” ways.
North Vancouver