Squamish Community Radio (SCR) organizers this week announced the launch of live podcast previews on www.squamish.fm.
Audio podcasts of the shows began this week, Squamish community radio proponents said in a statement issued on Tuesday (March 1).
"This has been a labour of love for all of us involved," said Theresa Negreiff, a volunteer member of the Squamish FM planning team. "We are so happy to have sound on the site and share a sample of the great shows our local volunteer DJs have produced. We are now just waiting for our SOCAN (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) licence which will allow us to begin broadcast streaming off our site."
Show applications are still welcome and volunteers will be available to provide workshop training for DJs to learn to do sound editing for shows at home. Volunteers are also developing a recording space that will be open for the community at the new shared SCR operations space donated by Century Mini Storage.
SCR is a project of the Hotspot Resource Centre, a registered charity. Donations are needed to help cover the costs of licences, hardware and operations. For information email [email protected]